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Kentucky Mountaineer. 



a u rEKsvm* macoffin county. Kentucky 



$1.00 a year in ad >anco 
.60 six months. 
.So throe montln. 

. ,„l as second clua* matter J»n 
nary 12. 1912, at th« pout-office »t M- 
y.r^villo. B)T. *** Act of March 

:i. urn, 

, , . work uncfB«inirly for 'h' welfare 

nomination for Jailor of Mag »ff- ,0 - 

in county, subject to the action , ,,,„vr IIP 

of the Republican party. « AKMINO UI 

All who were in town 'a t B 't. 
realized that the- campaign ha* 
jfWHd i;i earni It Almost every 
candidate who ha I an- ouncod in 
the M ) lilt 1'iee-, as well as a 
number of o her.;, wore on the 


S. 9. ELAM. Editor ftOWstr 

Advertising Rates;. 
10 cents per inch. 
First page ad", twelve and one- 
half cents per inch. 

Five cents per inch extra for 
composition. t . . 
Locals Id cents per hne for first 
insertion. 6 cents per line for 
each subsequent insertion. 

Resolutions and funeral notices 
Cards ufThanks and Obituaries. 
MM cent per word. 

Announcement . for County ot- 
fices. io.OO eastl in advance. 


If wc can furniah the space, wo 
publish this directory for the put. lie. 
Lea U8 know what regular meeting* £ 
etc, are held In ye-ur community. 
The Baptist (.V.ii.unaiyi Cturrh- 
Preaching limt Sun. niglit and Ilrd. 
sun. Morninpr and night. Conf ffeSM 
! Wedneadanlght after the 1 '. ami llrd. 
sundaya. 8. a 9:*» A. M. 

United BaptUt 1st sat. and sun. 

M. K. & nnd USSS S. 8. at 9:30 
A. K. «ach Sunday. 


M. F.. Chureh, 4th Sunday morninc 
S. S. at 9 oVIock. 


Christian Church Uh »»S*y of each 

Ueech Cirjv*. 
United Ilnptist 3rd sat. and Sea. 
following . « .a. 9:30 

jutouud colicitin.r their friends to 
': sign their petitions. 

We have been assured by I 
number who have not announced 
i>i tlie. o column tha- th y will 
'do so if f.ey mike he ras • tnat 
tha' they arc of. In 
ti.i* way >ou will !)•• enable! to 
know »f the news of this cam- 
paign eve i if you are t >o busy 
to coni'! to to vn every few days. 
Thosi wh> hive already an- 
nounced in the- Mountaineer ,.y 
that "It pays to advertise." 


Justlceaof the Peace $2.50.;^ h£«t (Mi. I n«7).4th «" 

Ivyun. United Baptist Church 
sun. and ant. l.ef.-ie. l.uv 

The above triplets of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Literal^ of 
Conlcy this County were < xliileted here <>u the first 
day of court. The parents have seven ollu 1 children. 
The triplets are M months of aire. 
The above picture doe< not dot he girls justice. 



' j ► onnA1 ,nM Order'society 2nd and 4th Sunday* in 

We are authorized to announce, JJJ m<mth » , o . c|ock 

FRANK BLAIR. | Ussss Wr«r. BaptistfJIIseO 

. f <talversville, as a candidate; ui Sun. sad I at be for* 
of saijersvim, » .\ Lal: ,. v ,]i,. B»pi it 

for the nomination -or CWI« uml g, t before. 

of Falcon, as a candidate for the 
office of County Judge of Magof- 
fin county, suhjeetto the action , 
of the Republican party. 

We ar? authorized to announce 

Ye Editor ia Indebted to JosMI 
Gardner who suggested that we 
I give tho remedy fct the tomato 
rot which ha< been so prevalent 
in this section for the last few 
years. FsrmerV Bulletin No. 
220 on "TOMATOES", which 
may be had on requer t from the 
Department of Agricultune. 
Church 'Washington. D. C gives the 

Dayton. Midletown. and llumil 
ton away. The hou i were 
drifted in tho streets like corn 
i.talks In a common branch. 

It is said to DC M bad H Jolin 
town flood tho strut I look like 
the bottom of a biff creek, the i 
pavem-uits all waihsd up and 
holes mM out ^s bipr as' 
a holism. Tell Brn the bo!« 


!. ;ng a Keminisreneeof a tour through 
Kncland, Wah*. lrelund, Scotland, 
riaail, Itelgium, (.ennany. B»H»S«f> 
land. Italy, and Greece. 


Mash fork. 
Huptiat (Wlaalowry). 3rd 
sat. before. P. ?. 9:30. 

United Hapti»l '1th sun 

1 NOTE. We UM smi.ll »'», 
supply is abort 

Sun. ai.d 
and sa; 

Mhington, v. t . K'vt-^ «•■■»- a nousv. i 

l' .llowins : remedy for the tomato | washed out in hi«h siiett. and 

ro t. i pavements all wathfd. up and 

•True -rot is cimbatted with looks like the bottom of a dry 

more of l^s* sucosss by pruning 'creek. I csn'tteil you now bad 


and traininfc vine- to admit licht 
nnd air, to^-ther with the des- 
truction of all diseased fruits, to 
prevent the spread of infection." 

it was. I 
and he nil 
was safe 

am at Mor gi 
i tell all hit 
They hav. 


>eople he 

J. J. PACE. 

Rev. C. M. Bummers, of I^anisa 
who preached here last Sunday, 
never be n 

i>»r it blawi or whether it 
• se.ii hi coma i and th t 

es: the erops fT't sick 

snows th 
sea'on y. 

of Conlcy, ea* candidate ft* the; gj^jj lnat ^ ra ,i „ e vn' be. n anc j t .h-' farmers hlue— the storf 
office of Sheriff of Magoffin coun- t rea t«l so hospital 1 . aa by the keepers kick and the lawyers sue; 
t.y subject to the action of thei peonle 0F ALL UENOMINA- t ha preachers preach snd the 
Republican party. TIONS. of Salyersvillc. isinnrrs sin and cares beget the 

. He could hav- «aid the same sollU 0 f mcn . But throujh It all 

We are authorized to announce rf ^ eouRtV| w . belkr* lhi prints prints; he saves and 

' save* and stints a-»d stints; the 

•oldiars hera and thaj are tu;ik- 

iOg the poopla work to hoip clean 
up the town, 1 don't kno-.v if 1 
will have to help or R«t I v.m 
fOblg to leave here as soon as I 
can, the Ohio river ii up to Kft, 
ruis ■ ;n<l I CsWl ).;el ■'■ WEJ *0 I 
gue i I will Stay ■ while. I can 
get lots of WOI k for a while bare 
You must answer soon. 

Chester ia about the name bJm 
city .■' Lexington. Ky. On Sun- 
day afternoon we started for a 
walk and aaw thai the streep; 
were jamtimd with pedestrians 
nil going in tho same direction. 
We could not imagine what the 
attract ion could be as there soi ins 
tj be no excitement to indic tte 
a lire. We followed migerly on 
and saw street cam creep along 
, to avoid running on the people 
who were on tho track. - '1 ue.c 
strre! carl seldom hud more than 
one or two psaaasfwi on them. 

When we reached the OUtakirta 


Want Cdiumn. 

In order to a' ow our fanners 
that "II pays to adv, rtno", wc 
will run this column in which 
tach subsc iber may urv, of 
charge, fifteen words, in anyone 
is ue, to.advertise anything he 
wants to buy or sell, (from the 
farm,) lO aaraN work for him- 
saif or him faran bsnda, Mil or 
rent lamia, Rsd owners fo • lost 
ar iclca or live s net! or advc'tiso 
I i , own to i o itraj ■ d 

y\d lili nal Wards will be p it 
in at one cent per word; or the 
advertisement may lw run M 
succeeding' iaauai so long aa oa* 
■ired ;it one cant per word, pay- 

I f you would get your wants in 

this column phone, write, or call 

on us before Mondnv niglit. 


TO SELL One farm. Mm the 
timber from another timet For 
furtker pattksssi bsqabi of 
D. M. Atkinaon, 

Salyersville, Ky 

Eggs from pen headed I y $10. 
cock, at 85 cents per l& A M« 
on pen at :>'.> cents per IS. 

Eggs delivered to your Post 
Office by Parcels Post. 
Send Olsar early. 

Mrs, w. H, caudill. 
Falcon, Ky. 

FOUND A re volver that muat 

have been lost duriqs the Wcr. 
Owner call at tins ofWk^ identify 

and get it. 

Bftfl atrain Indian Runner 
Iluck <'nu* live cent:; each. War- 
to batch well. 

W. W. Preston, 

PROCTOR PACE, | )a d he bten over the county aj 

of Salyersville, as a candidate for ye 0 dj ter has. Time work, 
the office of Jailor of Magoffin, changes in po .pie's m inn«r« and 
county, subject to the action ofi 
the Republican party. 

We arc authorized to announce 
of Salyersville, as a candidate 
for the office of County Judge of 
Magoffin county, subject to the 
, of the Republican partv. 

We are authorized to announce 


customs. The |Med of (pld 
often makesa people selfi=h, but 
we should be enabled to see our 
own goad qualities and pride our- 
selves in tho fact that we ar. 
known to DO a mo t hospuabio 
county, though som of us have 
a desire to posMH the ' tiltuy 

Our whole c.mnty is ve - y m ich 
like a large family where every 
member knows that th • late i 
string always h mge o . the out- 
side. This i act c u --a many 

vind< may rave and the flood* 
• may ro'l. nod drouths brea't thru 
from pole to pole; but the print I 

' man be prints and prints, saves 
and saves and stints und r.tints- 
. happy, happv. printer man; he, 
does the very bent, he can-btxk 

140 Mont Plesant Avj linden ,.f the city we disc .v -red the 
Wald. Hamilton, Ohio. ;.t taction was the fields. We were 


Hamilton, Ohio. 
April Sth mi 

Dear folks: 

Just received 
was glad to ' 
h aves mo w 

leer fro 

:i you 


the country. 'Die fields as tfotim InHtitUtC. 

Isformed that the 

is a great admirerof the beauties 

far as we could see, were literally 
Covered with romping children 
and their parents. When la ■ 
on a car, other- 

They arc located nt'ar Ma. 


I wrote and told you about the , hurry they 
ftcod I Waa OB high pound and wise they do not. 

We vi-uted an oM Roman bath 
house. The bath tub was simply 
a vault in the rock. We did not 

noes ine Tmj uc. - — , • - r.- — - 

ng tvpe or twisting BTesa, ho you bet I stayed on blip ground 
trusts to lu k and dies hi. be>t. ! There was lots of pe .p'edrowned 

-Exchange. 'hese and a big |e« of property .. 

' there were about ."(Hi horses take a bath, because it looked so 
We are Indebted to Harmon drowned here. 1 got your letter, much like a arave. We -vere 
Hayfortheee following letters ■ yesterday and thought it was informed by our „uide that M 
frmhi son Who was thought to useless to send you a menage had not bsee used for a bath 

T< i BELL a farm of L!o acres. 
25 acrea in bottom land and one 
fourth mile on Licking river. 50 
acres in timber. Price |S00O, 

I will exchange to mineral or 
timbered lands. 

P. M. Elam. 


as a candidate for the office 

Judge of Mageffin county Kb- 1 pcrMM wbo ^ >Dd fim , wet|tn 

ject to the action of the itepuD- ^ ^ ^ their 

lican party. , native county. 

, . , ,„ -„ nnlin ee : Our hospi'ality, ou^ min r*l 
tt'o are authorised to announce ~ 1 *• 
We areauir im. wealth, our poaaibility as a gre i 

AiAnle for the fruit growmg COUntV anl >ur 
*r2^*"?^ t 2^ ImiulVoftha pureal Anglo 

county subject to tM action ( things that the MOUNTAINEER 
the Republican party. is striving to inform the ouisid- 

I world. Our greatest drawback 
an . 'at present is inefficient i du.nion 
tne 1 Our people are d>-sirous of |s> 

S. S. ELAM. 
__j 0 f the Mountaineer 
noiinces as a candidate for 

U.O » -— ... 

nomination for superintendent of 
schools of Magoffin County, sub- 
ject to the action of tho Repub- 
can party. 

We are authorized to announce 
Charles D. Arnett 
of West Liberty as a candidate 
forthe nomination for State Sen- 
ator of the 34th Senatorial Dis- 
trict, subject to the action of the 

We arc authorized to announce 
of Lakeville aj candidate for 
the nomination for Justice of 
Peace of the 4th magisterial 
district subject to th • a ti it pf 
the Rsfsbheaa party 

p-oving their schools but f w 
have fully realiz d what could 
be accomplished during the next 
ten years if we were properly 
organized and stood t igsthsf in 
one solid phalanx. Toe county 
supcrintend-nt must take the 
initiative in th s great work. 
We fully believe that this It by 
far the most Im portant office in 
the county. We afleJa urge the 
voters of Magoffin to vote for the 
person who can lead and guide 
the educational forces of the 
cour. tv to victory. Thi- I* not 

b - drown. d. 

Hamilton Ohio. 
March SO 1913. 

Dear i •lk>: 

A« I haven't h aid from you 
sin e I left home I Will write you 
4gain to 1-t you k- ow that 1 am 
well but very sad. there has been 
. big Hood here ai d washed 
early all the town off but I 
escaped a 1 1 right, f-ere a r e 
hundreds drowned and tho isands 
homeless, but a I it was a sad 
thi g to -tand by the river snd 
ve ihe houses go down with peo 
pie on top of them, and people 
were in trees scivaminir and 
praying for help. I never will 
forget la-t Thursday night that 
was the mcrnfulest night I ever 
saw, you c.uld Ik ar people crying 
;ind praying, d >g3 howling and 
house.': smashing aginst trees and 
dnfts. After tne water 

for I wrote snd told you bow it tub suriac tho peat few eeaturi 

was. There in lots of work here 
and will be until they get the 
town fix rd up. I am working 
for an electric Co. and I get 12, SO 
a day for 9 hours a day but I 
do not know how long it will last 
Two mon and I Ware working 

Poor appetite is 1 sure sign of 

impaired tflgootina 4. few doses 

of Chamberlain's Stomach and 
Liver Tablets will stengthen 
you - digestion and improve your 
,d an old drift and we found appeut" ThOOaands have beef, 
a 40 gallon barrel of whisky and benefited by taking these lablols. 
we buried it, I will send you a 
jug full ha! ha! it is worth $7.". 
or $ 100 but don't be uneasy a- 
bouf me for I wont drink much 
it washed there in the time of 
the flood. 

Answer just as so m a? you get 


down d'.-'id people were har.ging 
in trees and I saw the soldiers 
taking dead body, out of drifts 
and out of the mud nearly cover- 
• d up and a tide of coffins r.eary 

Theie never was a time when 
people appreciated the real merits 
xvcrU |of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 

cour. tv to vtctory. Taj* W | - ThcBJ WM a 

saving thut you should SUPpw . . , .. 

the Editor of the Moor.' airte..- . ; . 

but it 1 1 

let sttkatg 
ing P r the 

•ing tii^t you 
i iter you from 
candidsta who 

m; river ar:u a laj^e resvore 
or. ke ioote that heP sevente n 
, Sj 1 husdred acres, md it iust tempt 

should ! M!C 

Bold by Dr. M. ('. Kash. 


Salyersville, Ky. May 5, 1913. 
To the Creditors: 

Salyersville Supply Co. 
You will take notice that the 
Salyersville Supply Co. assigned 
to me on the IJOth day of April 
1913 their entire stock of merch- 
andise together with all of this 
outstanding account and all 
property of every kind. 

The Creditors are retpiired to 
verify their claims against said 
Company and file the same with- 
in three months from date here 

more than now. This is shown 
he the increase in sales and vo'- 
u .tarv tsstim mishl from penal 
who h.vebeen cured by it. If 
you or , our children are troubled J. 

with toasts or cold giv» it t «• *> ***** 

wmi a v,. Rather V^tll Put. 

Dr H I Wo irfOsswreajaasl 

•.vi 'u :U go-'J U ■ !'..-. !•>•■ u u . H r»eit In ' 

sale by Dr. M C Kash I apwr.jh." 

Lhould be "nipped in the 
|bud",torlt allowed to run 
unchecked, aerioui rcsultl 
\imy follow. Numeioua 
iscs ol consumption, pneu- 
Imoiiu, and olhcr latal dK- 
Icasei. can tic traced back to 
old. At Hie first sign of a 
| cold, protect yoursell by 
I thoroughly cletnunf your 
| system with a taw doeei of 



I the old reliable, vegetable 
liver powder. 

Mr. Cluu. A. Rigtand. o- 
Madison Heights. Va.. says 
■I have been using Thad 
tord'i Black-Uraughl to 
stomach troublea. Indica- 
tion and colds, indlmd it U) 
be the very best medicine I 
ever used. It makes an old 

A ieiiee 

1 man feel like » young oue. 

Insist on Thedlord 
I 'iriginal and eenuine. 

s, thel 

Kentucky Mountaineer 

S. S. ELAM. Editor 4. Proprietor. 


Tho telephone ha* minded Jerusa- 
lem. Thu "movies" will lio next. 

They ran rut down the sIzm of the 
the dollar, but It sounds Juki aa big. 

who complalrioil 
fever a tow days ago are 

of spring 

New York hna a 
the "porosis glide" 

new dance raited 
Tbla one li well 


A Chicago aplnatrr ealls hi 
"Mrs." In thin Instance there being 
nothing In a name. 

The cubist gown la referred to « 
Indesrrlbsble and the ensuing di> 
•rrlptlon proves It. 

What ha* 

bceoine of the old fash 
plaver who never »>■ 

in tkt alnUr! 

Br Rf.V. J. H RAL'TON 
Vrwitrr «l 0 — MnMs I Dn*u 
Moodr I <*' 

Do the Wicked 
Continue Sinning 
After Death? 

rt tit 

In some rltlea IM hospital* Keep 
open house all nlRht for Iho couvcnl- 
•nro of "Joyriding" ;iarlles. 

Talking about the nil' ged 
trust, I hero seenia to lie a < 
(hat It be squeezed to din'h 



way lo drive out the unclean 
would he in put musical and lit 
meilt illlo lh" clean ones 

The average woman can make up 
her face innrli i r Hum her mind - 
and li slu):< made up unite ua long. 

Why do Hie great pianist* and 
artiste always feel of their fares 
while having their pictures taken? 

This discovery that some stars are 
old suggest! similar discoveries 
tiade by various slnge-door Johnnies 

A MM nut of work won a prize for 
Iclllui: whv h< MM Jobless Thin might 
promising, but Mt other men 

A waattra MM recently stole a 
house. Possibly he wanted lo mort- 
gage I! so he could huy a 

TKXT "lie Hist Is tfMlfllltl 
rto MMMMMMMM sill!: anil I.'- MM is 
filthy, let him ho ma.le filthy still: and 
|M il,i,i I. rlRhteoua. let l.tin *o rl«l.i"Hi 
MM still "nd he that is holv. M Mm be 
made MM.' Ilev ■ It. A. It V. 

IX. th<: 

cease sinning 
when I Ley die ' 
Probably the vas' 
majority of those 
who ei Bf . otislilcr 
I It t k uiiestinn with- 
, |t Ml !• thought 
say thev certainly 
do. for men are 
to render account 
to M for ih * 
deeds done In I he 
flesh, and whin a 
man dies his ac- 
count Is- closed 
Is II not wise to 

Pill • :. 



has ben mining gold 


The consumption of cigarette* In 
Germany hi.* doubled In the last fonr 


A lump of camphor placed In 
case with alec! Jewelry will keep 

A few grains of 
fresh Hie water In 

Neil to irrV elephant, 
rhinoceros of Africa 

20. To cove:. N V (envy). 

21. A bird. J lj«y). 
A -. ; tb. II (are t or II (M) or C 


f — '■■ tr* - fi l l I ' l il l! I .-^ ^^S 1 „ i 



23. A common beverage. T (tent. 

24. A girl's name. L V, (Elale). 
K. Another one. I. N iKIIen). 

26. Yet another. IT K iKffle). 

27. Still unotber. K 1 I Katie). 

28. A literary effort. 8 A (I'.ssuy). 

There aro very few ex 
Ihe rule that the city matt 
to go bock on Hi 
on one. 

ptlona >o 
ho wants 


A college professor who has not a 
vocabulary extensive enough to elim- 
inate swear words fulled In his ed- 

Having oiled UM IM and thrown 

th.i niblick Into IM tliinl 1 .1. IM 

resoluto toller naa tiaMll iho fir- 
ing line. 

Now that men urn wearing hats 
with the ribbon bow In Ihe back, why 
uot begin to year vests buttoned up 
the back? 

A physlclnn declares that people 
■houhl eat all the undigesllblii foods 
on IM uuirk.l Newly-weds, please 

While a Chicago mini was away 

si > Ing 

Another one of those) 

A cotilempornry asks If suicide la 
Justlllable? It depends on whether 
you are pursued by u bill collector or 
Just an ordinary bore. 

Next time tho telephone girl tells 
ycu the line you wunt is busy, henr In 
mind that there are otiiy 9.000.00O 
phones In this country. 

Complaint Is made of Ihe new nick 
el that It will not go Into a slot. 
Therein It shows Ihe reasoning pow- 
er of Inanimate things. 

It Is suggested that babies' dresses 
be flroproeifed This system might be 
re-enforced with a muzzle to pruveut 
the eating of 

he Is 

young woman who breaks her 
■iih nt to a young man becuuse 
too successful certainly acta a 

An eastern linn, hoping la frustrate 
burglars. turlied UM MtowlM sign 
on the safe: "This safe open." Next 
morning Ihe linn was |*.0M out. 

Approximately five per cent, of the 
total population of the I tilted 
States geta his or her living more or 
less from electricity and its ramlrt 
cations. Some will bu shucked to 

The blushing young eurr.te who told 
bis congregation that for "three days 
Jonah was In Hie Ms iely of ihe 
whale." oalahlibliid a new point In 

The Harvard student who Las be- 
come a doctor or philosophy at the 
age or eighteen, demonstrate 
that youth will uot be denied. 

One Important detail or 
hualnei appears lo have MM over 
looked. Where are the figures ou Hi* 
jraat s oulput of sauerkiaule 

matter n Utile carefully? 

Our thoughts are presented from 
Ihe sland|a.irit as to the 
nature, manifestation, and outcome of 
■In. The widely prevalent modern, 
though erroneous, view of sin makes 
It rather an advantage than a dlaud 
vantage. Adam * fnll being upward 
rather than downward. 

On» of the liri-l suggestions Is thai 
•In la self-perpetuallng. H Is a com 
mon saying Hint one sin leads to an- 
other that sin follows sin somewhat 
autoiiiatlenlly. Sin. however, la not 
to he consider, d as consisting chiefly 
In outward transaction, hu' In the 
motive that M behind it. When a man 
dies his personality with Its stamped 
character continues, and reason would 
say thai hla course of action with re- 
spect to the moral law la to continue, 
professor Penney says: "The very 
MMM of MMM freedom Involves 
the possibility of Its permam nt mla- 
us". or what our Lord himself calls 
•eternal sin.'" 

The punishment of sin Is not today 
held up hnlore the transgressor, hut 
rather IM sin Itself. Is not the sin 
really the grout evil? It may he said 
that If a man can cense MM i.ln out- 
wardly In l»l» life, sin may not he- 
roin" pi rniancnt Hut this ceasing 
'from sin Is by almighty i«i»i r alone, 
mid thin powi r is denied afler death. 
If It la further said that man by the 
mere force of his own will can ceaao 
from sin. we reply Hint the coming Is 
only In tho outward manifestation, 
and not in the real sinning, which he- 
longs t»v the motive. 

Meager light Is throw n on tha activ- 
ity of UM Hi ked after death, bit- we 
know the scripture teaches that men 
who die In Kin go to dwell with the 
devil and his nngele. What Is the em- 
ployment of the devil ? DM s any one 
who believes In n personal devil be- 
lieve thai he does not MMM W 
Is he not Intensely active, the l.isilga 
tor of all the cruelty, oppression, wars, 
abomination*, lies nnd wretchedness 
In the universe? ir so. what about 
those whom scripture calls his ehll 
dren? Jesus hbM they do the deeds 
of Ihelr father. Mi ore they any less 
children after death than before? 

There la no evidence that after 
death there Is a cessation from sin If 
we consider the employment or expe- 
rience* of the Inhabitants of the other 
world As to heaven, abort which we 
know much more Ihnn about hell, we 
learn Ihe employment of the right- 
eou«. There is no Intimation of sin- 
ning, there Is consequently no gospel 
preaching, mission work, social n re 
crallon. or anything of that kind, hut 
Ihe Inhnhltantn or heaven are engaged 
Mi the praise of Rod. In worshiping 
htni In Wf glorious majesty, and doing 
his hi heets whatever they may M fa 
the text we rend that he that la 
righteous Is In do right. ou*ne*a still, 
ami he that Is holy. Is to he made 
more holy. Some one might say. "If 
Ihe conditions In this life have a ten 
deney to perpetuate Ihe-iseli'e* will 
not Christians who show MJMMM 
by sinning, MMM to show their 
Imperfection In heaven In the same 
way?" : Ve night admit that If we 
did not have the direct teaching of 
■ciiptute that there I* no sin In heav- 
en, nothing that defiles, that work* 
abomination or makes n lie From 
analogy we would conclude from i re- 
employment of the Inhabitants of 
heaven, ihe employment of the wicked 
will he unrighteous or sinful 

The leaching of scripture, though 
not abundant seems to be clear Jesll ' 
raid iMark :: :». A. R. VI that If a 
MM sin against the Holv CroBt he 
shall be guilty of an eternal sin. This 
lert.llllly teaches that then l~ a' leaM 
one eternal sin. it sin thai continues 
In action forever. Revelation 22 11 
seems to lenve the matter bovuud ills 
pute. and It la well to observe that 
this IMMMM comes at the very ilow 
of the Bible "He that Is iinriajMMM 
let ttm do unrighteousness still, and 
he that it Mlthy. let him be made 
filthy still." The marginal reading 
MMJMM '!"' I'hrase "yet more" for 
the word "still" In each case Here, 
certainly, the employment of the 
wicked la clearly presented. 

What a sad fate, doomed to « ;ernnl 
■Inning' The only escaiK Is to have 
the motive to sin removid by tile In 
dwelling life of Christ Then the 
habit of doing lighteousnMs will M> 
MMM Hie character lhat does right- 
couvneis. and the future la nate. 

One of the newer motorcycles has 
a single seat which will carry Iwo 
rider* side by side. 

Mud stain* will disappear from • 
rain coat If rubbed with tJM Juice of j 
a freshly rut potato. 

Holland linn 2.000 miles of rannis 1 
In addition lo 3.000 miles of other 
nuvlrnlile waterway*. 

New York Is MMtel a rev: nteen- 
■tory apartment house, C tallest 
dwelling In the world. 

MM corrections In mnps of 
Oreenlaiul have added about IMjMI 
BilUfiro miles to IM area 

An Ohio manufacturing plant cr.n- 
veils the waste steam rrom Its drop 
forges Into electrical power. 

The eongrens or DHJgMM !• plan- 
ning In make the manufacture, of al- 
cohol a gove rnmetit monopoly. 


(irr.tttude Is the soil 
thrlvea— Auerb.ieh. 

which Joy 

Against the supe riority or unother 
there Is no remedy but love lioethe. 

A man never rises *o high as when 
he know* not whither lie Is going- 
Oliver Cromwell. 

Work- and pure slumbers shall waft 
on lay pillow Work thou shalt ride 
over rari' » coming billow.- Osgood. 

You talk of Kate' Its m < d we bow 
inellvidnally or colie-ctlyely. Pools run 
Jabbering of tin- irony of fnte to escape 
the- HM|lncl of fractal "Ml causes - 

The man or woman who 'does 
things" Mm 1 has time to explain nhy 
moro was not accompli, lo d. W hat the 
world MMM in more MM and fewer 
• vplaualiona. - Lloyd. 

lie ready to give support, but do not 
crave it. Do r.ut be MMM upon It. 
To develop your dwn sell -reliance you 
must see that your own llfn is u hat 
tie. You MM light for yourself. You 
must be jour own soldier Jordan. 

A smooth sea m ver made a skillful 
mariner, neither do uninterrupted proa 
peMty nnd MMM unulify for uwrul- 
iiiess anil happiness. The storms of 
adversity, like those of UM ocean, 
rouse- the MRsHJaa, and excite Ihe In- 
vention, prudence, nklll and fortitude 
of the voyager.— Marryatt. 

In Memory of Shaksspears. 

The twenty-third Is to ka observed 
hj imllvidunla and clubs us befits the 
memory ol' Hie great "Hard of Avon." 

Pe rhaps Hi" following MMM will 
be acceptable, all are answered by the 
aamo of one of his pluys: 

The lovers you should pe er forget. 

Were J. 

They met one evening, so we hear. 

At far famed ca»tle of 2. 

lie wooed her there with all Mi 

And he promised the S. 

Her folks opposed the match. Lord 

MM he'd prefer to see her still in 

Thun v ril a mnn wlio'd Moop to low 

As friends to tv with S. 

Hut he wooed her without regret, 

And penned Ills love In 6. 

And all bar rfMltaCI would ngale 

lly telling h r a . 7. 

At last he i.ald lied wait no mor». 

He sought the . !<. 

And said he'd counted up the coot. 

And would not have . I*. 

lie told his man, "Now 10. 

And we'll elope; I Know It will 
please her. 

And then if things arc v. bat they 

Our life will be 11. 

I know we cunnot stop for rest, 

Hu we'll away lu a . 12. 

I know Unit it will give her pMMMfa, 

And she w 111 meet it . 13. 

Ills lady love was line and lit. 

She answered him. " ." 14. 

And far uway In some 15. 

They did their trouble * all forget. 
I'or they i loped as we- have re-en, 

llel|H-d on with xenl by . Id. 

Ami now I've nothing more to t> II 

And . 17. 

T he atiHWi rs are ■ 


Something there was In hi r life In- 
complete. Imperrerl. MMMMAr" 


There I* nothing so unlovely ns a 
rrivolnux olir- woman lighting to keep 
the skin dee-p beauty of her youth. — 
Charles liudlcy Warner. 

Fair MM man s Imperial luce en- 

And beauty 


—Alexander Pope. 

us with a single 

1. Itomeo and Jr.licL 

2. King Lear. 

3. Twe-irth KnlghL 

4. Macbeth 
ft, Othello. 
•I. Sonnet. 

Winter s Tale. 
Merry WlTM of WMM, 
Love's Labor's LMt 
Jfattai Caesar. 

A Mlilsitiumer Melif: dream 

Thimble Club Fun. 

club ronniosed of a dor.en girls 
who met to sew and rend once In Iwo 
we-eks hnd this amusing pastime at 
one of their social meetings. Tha 
hoaiess gave each girl a tape medio 
l>M>1l a ith no by ribbon: ile-re wero 
four of rose color, four of blue and 
four of lttvcnder. There were four 
1 tables lu the living room, each 
covi-red with the linen lo match the 
ribbon*. The' girl with blue found their 
table, likewise the others, and the 
hostess passed charming "sewing com- 
MMlf" made ol ribbon with tiny 
scissor:!, MMM book and emery; a 
safety pin was attached to the bow at 
Ihe belt, so they were Imme'diately 
pinned on and were moat appropriate 
MMTaalft. In the center or the tubles 
there was a tray or needles, assorted 
sizes, find a spool of number seventy 
•hriuid. Win n Hi- te ll rang, the play- 
ers stnried lo tkraad needles and slick 
■MM Into a MMM (1 think bits 
of flar.r.i I would be better and easier!. 
At the e nd or four nilnutev. the bell 
rang again, score was taken nnd Iho 
eouple who had succeeded In tlireud- 
ing IM most medics went to the next 

Three rounds of four minutes each 
completed this game and the couple 
having the highest *core were present- 
ed with mil; worl.lings.. "Progressive 
needles" was voted a great success. 
Next the hoso a*ked Ihem to choose 
sides, liri't ap|K)lut ing captains, and 
there were six on a side lined up am* 
tho (tril opposite each other were 
partners for this MJMMK) one line of 
girls held Hg MMM and those across 
from Ihem had course threads; at a 
signal they rushed al each other nnd 
tho eouplo who L td their medio 
threaded Unit received prizes of pa- 
pers ol needle'* and spools of thread. 
The winning couple sat down and the 
rest tried the- same thing owr again. 
I think this parly siheinir'could be 
carried out in tho evening and hoys 
asked to M IM girls' partners. I MM 
ruro II would bo loads of fun. 

Usv* J- m- ' .-j - 1 1 1 - 1 --«. n - 
tonaus. ISlleir lne>UI In Ihe morv v, 
hwirllitrn." tsslenlnr e,f *fs. acid rh> 
«•■••'• .ir..t»ri... tb* ■•.,n,rh I .,.« 
or Injn , fevJ Sr«iili. Su-ey ipeUJe. tiM 


■v^ i'-i '< t *. - r . W «lSo tl*^U- i la)) 

ia nine case* out of U>. 

Dr. Pierce's Golden 
Medical Discovery 

ut* T. ••'i.!^«Iwi-i or uunl^Dd' t, . 

i Ysw 


Do you r 


aM 'he fact 


hat ttowaaM 

't .that tho^ 

A Soluble Antiseptic Powdtr 

■ ■ a ree..-dy for mucous membra:,.- af- 
feettions, such a* core throat, QM*I or 
pelvic catarrh, Inflammation or ulcera- 
tion, caused by female Ills? Wornen 
who have beten cured say "It la wort* 
Its weight In gold." Dissolve lu watar 

■ ml m i . locally. For ten yc:s tb* 
Ljdla B PlDkkani Medicine Co. has 
recommi tided PaXtlBS In their privala 
con i i yt - il- ni ■ w ii'n women. 

I n: all I vi I, -Ic and toilet uses It haa 
no equal. Only MM a large box at llraa- 
gists or si-i i Boat paid on receipt of 

price. Taa Paxton TofJat Oa., I <-u. 

- 1 
Mw fcafSM e.ayi the pad- <bal 
kills Is lan-elv set by fluff* nn.l Ills. 

Tie M . Austii.'s Hag PmcaV.e, . » t* 

pleskv y«u, all greeei-s. Adv. 

MvMTtBMg comes to lilm who s ails. 
He II e i. ii get the earth when 1 'lie*. 

His. W!*«!u» - * See'tilng Byrvip tor cm:Jrens 
in. *, oils, rrdurss f:*..,su, 

Its Weight. 

"Cholly (ompla'.ii 'd of haslnn ™s» 
thing e n his mind." 

"1 know what it Is. I saw liiia 
strike his head agalui.t a lot o! cob- 
web' a tl)« corner." 


12. TaMpaat 

13. Measure for Mci. um. 

14. Ah You Like It. 
U Hamlet. 

18. Cyrubollno. 

17. All's Well That Kuii V, 


There are ladle* who may be i illed 
men's women, being nclcoiiied e ntire- 
ly by all ihe gi niii un a. and rut or 
slighted by all their w ivca.— William 
Makepeace Thackeray 

The female- heart, ii* lar as my ex- 
perience goes, is Just like u new India 
rubber rhue- you tnuy pull and pull 
at It till It stretches oul a yard long, 
and then let go. and It will tf light 
hack to Its old shape .— Judge H.iiiiiur 

If ladies he but young and fsir 
Tbe j have ihe gift to know It. 

— Shake-spell r«. 
Maids MMl be wives and mothers lo 


TV i ui ire and Mttaal end of woman's 
bun < 

i Frances Amu K, ui|jU 


The man wi n sat down on the spur 
ot Iho moment will MM do It 

iff e-v cry 
laff once 


Perhaps rome of you can devise 
belter name for this pastime, but 
am M every one who V.uuws 
"A, II. ("a" can play It. 

The gnawers to all the queries are 
made by limply lining Idler*, and it 
will be well lor the hostess lo give 
Mf Ma i alaMatl In tone hcgitining the 

1. Conluiuiiig untiling. M T teiui-ty). 

2. Statement of ludeblednirf. 1 o 
U (I owe youl. 

3. Part or a hoase. L (ell*. 

4. An Insect. B (Ma). 
D. To be hold C (se'c). 

7. A famous MM, I. I O (cl-jyl. 

8. A lent. T P (le. p.el. 

9. A number. A T (ilghtyi. 

10. Pnlt of measure MM] la print 
Ing. M (em i. 

11 AH rlgkt O K. 

12. Slang IIJI'MllllH Q or O C or 
O U (MM — oh K''i- — oh you I. 

13. A foe. N M I {i u> Mjr). 

14. Inilellnlte MMlMf N B, lau.v". 
A vegi (able. P (peal. 
Intemperance. X S h-m c ■ 
An Image. V 1-J Q ictrigy). 
Poorly dnsv.d. 0 l» i seedy). 
Two of a kind. W (double u). 

Nuts to Crack. 

Why should a spider make a 

lie drops a line hy every pi<t. 
When Is a carpenter like MMM 

When he alters cases. 
What kind uf servants are be'St for 

The MM t.perleuced. 
Why are lumps oi sugar ilke race 

The nior- you lick litem tin- ftrster 
thi'y go. • 

Who mo Ihe niosi wicked people in 
the world, and vvhy V 

Pen makers, because they nnkc peo- 
ple steel pens and tell IMM Ihey do 

write cighi). 

What MM] will, If you tr.Ko away 
the first letter. Malta you lick? 

,'hy Is a pretiy woman liku a lock? 
use she is a tiling to a door 
their j (adore). 

What if the longest word Ir. (he ICng- 
Hal laue.uage? 

Smile:-, because thi re is a mile bt> 
iv i< u tin- ilrst and last li-tt-'.'. 

W lie ii la Ihe best I laic to get n fresh 

Big Returni From Sealln-j 

Will, a catch of Sfi.OOO seals 
MMMSef Stephano Is the flr*t >: 


Why I 


Josh NHmji MJfSi "■- 
yn |Mal tlekli'd- and 
awhile* eunyhow. 


:i ship la) s to. 

|W> i aaJh d a Jailbird? 
he-'s been a rcbiu. 

a leopard change- I'.s spotfe? 

from one sikjI to another, 
e tin n.jr' tinronifortable 

When tb 

Why Is i 

I it-cause 

How cat 

lly MUM 

What tiro 


Vi hy II 


When does u fanner change tho 
color of his horses? 

WM lu opens Ihe field gate and 
turns Meat in to graze i grays). 


i. anil a di.llcull CBJMJ to 
MMl be taken oh* its 

lilbbi :: drawn through lute and lied 
in u flat bow at the left sid 
an effective trimming. 

Made and Decorative 

Is This Little Pipe Rack 

sealing MM operators In NewtuunO- 
land WM rs to report. 

Sh-> lu ie. ght new* that the Nas ople 
bad 27.00..' Mb. the Klnrlr.el zJ.rjiMi. tha 
8ag,.na l.t.UOu iho Cnsla 12.000 fba 
BaJlavoatnra 10,004), (he MM'anlaia 
1.110!) ami the Adventure 7,000. 1 1 liere 
of the li ■ I had poor luck. 

Advice- from Iho four ships se .llng 
tu tb <lulf of Bt. I.riwrence In'llcata 
lha' the prospect u for a good .hob 
are MMldSBt— t John* (N M nie- 
paich to New Ycrk World. 

Hairpins ar.d ,JDther Pins. 
Hairpins huve boeri elaborati it - * 

muaus of dteoratica since the aarllaM 
times. Partii'tilaiiy beautiful II the 
variety seel delicacy of their woi knMMr 
ship, two of the fin, .st specimens Ing 
the gold pin* which were tuiiiiii at 
Salniuls In Cyprus, and are now H the 
III III. Il museum. Kvcn morn baMV 
MMa Hfl IM So-xan pins of a 1 .lar 
date, with their slunk of brass. MM 
of gold, and ■MbaWllMaM of nrMM 
and pearis. There were, too, the i.irg 
er sou of plus so conspicuously and 

fre oi Hj mentioned in the 1)11.1 The 

MatrHMCat drive n by Joel throutli the 
tempi' ot ->lsi ra v. as probably a tent- 
pin. vhlle Delilah fastened the web 
of Ml MM 's hair with a pin or b'.'leu 
In Ike middle- agi-3 pins were a great 
fashion indeed, a i.reat necessity 
In France, and we have It on record 
that II 1347 li.QOv plus Q M M itnM 
from i no royal wardrobe for one of 
the Fri urli princesses. The 0Ba»M 
MM BtM probably n little later lb 
reaching llngland. but Ir. 1540 wo hear 

of C|naaa CalMrtM (Howard) Ira pan 

Ing pltis from France. In (MM) (he 
trade etiilerwent considcrnbla ebarMja, 
brass tajpi r :cdlug Iron, while at the 
tame linM ihe price was lowered 


il.v hutnau MMM 
eiipilou "I 

but not 

Why should the last boy born to a 
ramtlv be imnu-d lionology • Iteoauta 
he's the last or the MM 

The schoolboy wrote: llostoii Is Ihe 
eupltal o( Massachusetts, a city where 
.',00.111)0 dully live, meve and ha v. MM 

An easily-m..ilo aud very decorative 
form uf pipe rack is shown iu the Ms 
ewiupauylug .sketch, lor ihe fcunda 
lion a thin piece or wood n'reiwood 
la speciall.. sulluble for the purpose), 
fifteen Inches in length and live luetics 
lu width. Is used. This v ood is smooth- 
ly covered on both sid.s with pale 
blue silk stretched tightly across a, id 
sewu logi'ther at Ihe edgi s. 

l*rlor to rovcing the wood, how- 
aver, iho ribbon bat.d that rim* ucross 
the center must be Us place 
and It vi ill be noticed that K Is lacki'd 
tu the silk so that It firms a 


of little loops into which IM 
may be slipped and held in 
place's lu the MM Illustrated. 

At either end of the ribbon loops a 
smart Utile bow made of some .of the 
same ribbon Is attached, and ihe 
whole M k is outlined with a blue and 
white cord carried luto three little 
loops at each corner and a loLt loop 
at (be top by which the rack and Us 
contents can be suspended fr-im a 
nail iu ihe wall. 

Ho • article would make a alee pres- 
ent for a liiau or It would be sure to 
Bad .. : M] sale al • 

St. Paul Park Incident. 

"After drinking coffeo for brckraat 
I always fell languid and dull. . ITiMJ 
no ambition to get to my morning 
duth r. Then in about an hour or so 
a weak, nervoi.s derangement of the 
beau and stomach would come over 
me with such force I would INM :.Hy 
havi lo Ho uovui." 

Tea is Just aa l.irinful, because II 
contains caffeine, the tamo drug .'-una 
lu e-offee. 

"At other times I had sever- ad 
ache's; stomach finally became affect 
ed and digestion to Impaired that 1 
bad serious chronic dyspepsia and 
constipation. A lady, for many veam 
Stale Pre »lden*. of the W. C i 
told nic sho had been greatlv 
efltcd by quitting coffeo and 
Poet : I.. J'jo wuj troubled for 
wlib as-.luna. Sho said It v.. 
cross to oult coffee when sho 
the could havo ua dcliclo.. I 
article as IMM 

"A::0'h'r lauy who had been 
bled with chronic dvepcpola for ye 
fouud Immediate relief on ceaila-t co^ 
fee aid using Pos'i m. Still another 
friend told me thrt Postum was a 
i,od»e,.d. her heart troublo havln* 
been relieved afu r leaving Ml I ><Tea 
and ti.klng on Foslum. 

"f-r. n:auy »uch cases came la my 
notice that 1 concluded coffeo «.i tha 
caute of my trouble and I quit and 
took up Postum. 1 am more than 
pleated la say ibat my days of ir«»- 
ble have u.^appi-ueiel. I am vs. I an* 

Look In pkgs. for the ftmont litUa 
book. ": kt iii Ml <o WellvUle." 

Kerr r. . - Ike ■ Utterf A ' - 

ni Ing 




Like Magicafter taking Lydia 
E. Pinkham'g Vegetable 

North P.J^T.U. Y.-"Am 1 have 
used Lydia E. I'ink- 
ham's Vegetable 
Compouml with 
great benefit I feel 
it my duty to write 
and tell you about it. 
I was ailing from fe- 
male weakness and 
had headache and 
backache "nearly all 
the time. I was later 
I every month than ! 
I should have been 
end »o rick that I had to go to bed 

'■Lydia li. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- 
pound has made me well and these trou- 
bles have disappeared like magic. I 
have recommended the Compound to 

t*Bf."—Un. iuam t. ""tauy.k'ru. 

Another Made Well. 

Ann Arbor, Mich.— "Lydla E. Pink- 
ham '9 Verretablj Compound has done 
wonders for me. Fur yenrs I pufTered 
terribly with hemorrhages and had 
pain* so intense Ihnt sometimes 1 would 
faint away. I had female Weakness 
■o bed that I hod to doctor all the time 
end never found relief until I took 
your remedies to please my husband. 
1 recommend your wonderful medicino 
to all sufferers as I think it is a blessing 
for all women."— Mrs. L. K. Wyckoff, 
112 S. Ashley St, Ann Arbor, Mich. 

There need bo no doubt about the 
ability of this grand old remedy, made 
from the roots and herbs of our fields, to 
remedy woman's diseases. We possess 
volumes of proof of this fact, enough 
to convince the most skeptical. Why 
tfcn't you try ill 


Great Deal Depends on 
of Setting 

Shoulu Be Those From Year Old 
Birds, as Chicks Will Be 
and Stronger Thsn 
From Pullets. 

<By A. J. WILDER) 
Tare should be taken to save for 
settings only the eggs from the best 
hens. A very (treat difference can 
be made In a flock In a tew seasons 
by the selection of the eggs for hatch- 

Hy choosing the largest eggs the 
foals will be much larger In slat, hat 
there Is a great probability that they 
will not be good layer*. The hen that 
lays an unusually lar^e < Kg Is quite 
likely to lay only every other day. 

By setting hi r eggs und again the 
next NHM setting the largest eggs, 
you will develop a strain of Urge 
fowls that will lay very large eggs, 
but will lay only every other day, or 
Ml u less. 

On the other hand. If you set the 
eggs from the hens, that as pullets 
laid during their (list fall and win- 
ter, and continue to set eggs from 
such hens, you will develop a strain 
of early winter layers. 

Tho eggs for settings should h- 
Trom year old hens, as the chicks will 
be larger and stronger than those 
'rum pullet eggs. It Is li. ft to male 


Your Liver 
Is Ciogged Up 

That's Why You'ra Tired— Out of Sortt 
— Have No Appetite. 



Genuine must bear Signature 




I ** THK I'lCU i. (It 


If ¥■■ II lilt Tl 
AIImtih l Wasti 1 B 
i ana- la) ma law Big 
• if l !'«<..• ran. In- txOar 
»rr tuiu »Dpe|ir L 4 ii rlelwi 
ai.'l th«t MUM Iw.v 
M t*. tb#* c-nltlTHtioiii't 
ifHi,uat«, barley mid fla.«: ihe 
atiyi- fluid" many tl«>Ufnn<i<i 
•<f A, si'tt t-ri . n tbcia 
mllli *- hy, I. t it ban In- 
» rtiirvdllio i>riree.r iiTt-n.^a, 

Th«>r* t« Ppleqdl4 aasajagajaj 
l»w Xu yet % 

Free Homestead 

1 1 ' . »* * 1 ■ 

' n.-wi r d<- irlcU 

!.■ r ,■ t i, 

. . al»»»<i fi.'..'1, |h. 
U t n-fl'.-ni. M-bf v 
whr* n rr» rutin pl-nt mark' l" 
_rw1l4. In fltrn-r .Vtnlluba. Sm- 
itt> l<f>»HU nr Allen a. 
r-.inl |i r iHemtui... th* ] a :-t.t 
ifuiuiatloo. railway rau-a, «...., u> 

W. 8. HETHrHV, 
3 uarfnrr Bide, Toledo. OMo 
« t n.t.i- - hu|K*rIiH« of 
ln»u.l K rHlloii. OtUi*-.u»»d.. 

You Need 


II i«u Iff-p your liver active, your 
rso;:tjr sad your digestion uood 

Every Poultry Home Should Havs 
Some Convenience for Confining 
Broody Hens. 

corkcrela in .lead of old corks with 
these hens, a* the eggs are more apt 
lo be fertile and th< re w ill be a larg- 
er percentage of pullets. 

Choose the medium Basest, well 
'Imped eggs and be sure the shell Is 
Bra and strung. A weak shell Is sure 
to be broken, and. besides the lo.:a of 
tho egg itself, will likely ruin sev- 
eral of the other eggs ju the nest, and 
may eveu teach the h"U to bleak and 
tat them. 

Kind the hens a llitlc air slacked 
lime In the mash to give the eggs 11 
good strong shell. Ite sure tho lime is 

will shirk, d and give two tal>|, >, 

fula to H'O hens every day. 

Do not roreo iho breeding block for 
egg production. I'.cd ibeui mostly 
whole grain, wheat, oats, corn and 
barley. Let the mash be a light I ' d 
and give them fresh, swot meat 
t-eraps twice a week. 

lid plenty of green food, unit ss 
the fowls have range when- they can 
bud it for themselves. Keep ibem 
supplied with pun-. clean drinking wa- 
ter and have charcoal, grit, oyster 
shell and dry bonu ulwuy.i before 

DaVt for:-. 1 a little salt lu the 
utush. It should always be salted as 
much as the same quantity of food 
would be for the table. 

Tl»<> hens must be mad" to exercise 
by scratching for Ihatf grain In the 
litter. They mur.t bo healthy and in 
good condition If you aru lo ral. M 
strong, le all by chicks. 

A 1I1 - ii condition, of Ihe le u Is 
transmitted to the egg and will up 
pear In tho )hlck wh.-n hatched. 

Kt"tliila|e> tlx- Bowels 
Sliii-. . 1' - the- LIuer 
bnpi uve Digestion and 
Rurlfy the? Hlood 


AlMrtlta ' ."-••«•, Um* ant 1*** pile v>»a-r. Ii reUoTii* 
IftUu.ui •iu*r.tesg,loa<!*r. nervous f< *rul law art i » 
La It • ■ '» h j» T«rti* ana h MftflM. It'* lb* 

gnfii^.i ojT- rtdl-. -it* rr uf Hih««m. / -.^ "cxj- 
■liM* Ut3k> * I ,f!l. M U-'W fcb""» fr^l n« It It a 
orrtaln H»f fur f«MUD«. ealU...-, ttu'J n, y»ja, 
ftctynv f*H 1. i;»i'. Ur"H'i l»r,„» la N * Hb<w>a> , 
Ttf li <"i*J». ««rjr«h»f*, a avau. /Ml 

mtfpl mwj J**. fa9 i RKst trial atrfciaa, i 

aadxtki. ai.aa a-uiabiv^o. La HoTi V 

l^LOOD and FIRE 

Osyn a, I Unikoci smi f iscuiuu. Tl.» biar«i. bra 
tod fct»t nudisatK lr.-,k Illu«r»d,\, ih 
iionyhslhcneKprei'jil.eM. OvuIwkkoi*-- 


Protection for Trees. 

Some orchardistM havi been n:r- 
r.essful in Broteclln( their trees by 
smearing Ihe trunks near Ihe ground 
Willi mixtures which are distasteful 
to rabblls. Tor this purpose white- 
wash, a mixture of glje and ropiiiTu'. 
decuctiou of quassia cuius ami blood 
or greasii, h ive BBM a. ■ ii. Mo bi le 
leal protection by means of MM 
wrapping Is more pennanefh and ef- 
fective than any form of wash. 

1: any »o<ii« 

lor 2 e K ia ulver. AjcnU wail-d rrarwaefc: hfa 
proh:<. LVa'l wiit,-.v«Se row . Hr » l;r» oa«. Aid. 
0. KiDDLTiDOKK, ICS V/. M Si , Osdaasii, 0. 

Ltft.t o' Hutbsndry, 

Live i.tnck luake It necessary to 
dlvuiflfy crops uud glow uioro crop.i 
upon whlih ihern is a wider margin 
of prodl. AnimaU also distribute la 
bor, furiilnh 1 mployuu nt la time o: 
bail weather, or when Held work lu 
not possible. Animal hn. bandry is the 
logical way to Insure soil baatavo 
■Ml, as Usl Increased f- rtlllty rrutu 
manure Is often aMWaal to Jusiily 
. ... ii'f animal*. 

\ mi t'uod which has given very sat- 
isfactory results for Ihe American 
breeds has been MM out by Prof. 
J C Orahsm of the Massachusetts 
Agricultural college A dry mash Is 
kept in hoppers before Ihe hens at 
all times and a scratch feed Is fed 
night and morning. The dry mash Is 
composed of e<iunl pars bran, wheat 
middlings, corn meal, liucly ground 
i iits, ground ulfalru and beef scraps, 
and the snatch feed of two parts 
t racked corn, one part wheat and one 

i ! t. su> s Ibe I'ariii ar il 1 loll.' 

The scratch food is varied, depend- 
ing somewhat upon the condition of 
the hens. If on examination they are 
found too fat more oats and wheat 
and less corn are fed. Sometimes wo 
feed three parts of corn to two parts 
or wheat at night and oats lu tbe 

'.' i i r'ani seasons of Ibe > ear more 
grain is red at night In Ihe Httl I than 
ihe hens will eat. so there will be some 
left for them to work on curly the 
next morning. This is found to be a 
vi ry satisfactory method. At limes 
oats are fed alone, for whi n the three 
are inlscd together the wheat and 
corn arc picked up first anil the hens 
that eat Ihe fastest gel very little- >if 
■ he oats. 

If it Is desired to force Ibe hens, in 
addition lu tbe dry mash ami grain, 
moisten some of the mash, getting It 
to a crumbly state and placing it In 
t:i,ukhs. what tin y w ill eat in 1.'. mbl- 
utes. This is fid at night. Fresh 
water, oyster shell ami BfM are kept 
before the hens. Maugcls ami cuH 
bages am fed whole every day when 
|;os»ible. but at least Ihne times a 



Lack cf Vsntilation Given as Cause 
for Many Failures in Artificially 
Hatched Eggs. 

1'ne question of Ibe cause or causes 
of tbe lowii batching percentage that 
commonly characterizes urtiflcia! In- 
cubation when compared with results 
obtained when eggs are sot under 
hens Is a matter about which (here, 
I* considerable conjecture, but llltlo 
di Unite knowledge, lu connection with 
various theories thai have been ad- 
vanced and several i xperlmi nts that 
have been made, it la perhaps sug- 
gestive that invstigutors have re- 
cently inclined to the opinion that un- 
satisfactory results are probably due 
lu rrcater measure than is generally 
supposed to an excess of ventilation. 

S. v<ral authorities an- mentioned 
in uipport of the statement that 
there Is a larger amount of carbon ill- 
oxide lu the air surrounding tho 
eggs that an' naturally hatched than 
it. I veil KiHilaiid Incubator, and the 
question is ralBod as lo whether and 
in what extent It may be an essential 
;. tW lu incubation. 


Full Direct ione Giver for C o n strut, 
ten and Materials Required — Use 

lii n hpoiis*' to u qui ry fur till ttlOM 
Ifl mlH u ruhliit imp, lit rlx rt U 
l)n:> malt < h Um folio*, ini? i « ■ 1 1 >' lu the 
Kural NVw Yorker: 

.Ha'i-ricl riquln d: SiUi*»", two pi»*ci-a. 
: t> | I b> » 4 tmh; bottnin. out* pi* c«, 
2 f<-t l.y in!».n 4 inrh; top, one plecn. 


In OMn, loiUai^i mi<i N.-i-*»nl.a. 'V'tld by aot* 
*iv<ir* ana at»w>i:rra. TaiiHiiiff fip« rl**u<-*«. 

MIt-m'-uJuiui r*n.i.'. i. TttU • ■•' ..'.'i" I I 

•Im4 wlikartoaj Mtuai, anly ft. 

■ tr«' uium ■ » »s.i. 

ra-r^, Uluauai.4 wlUac 
Are-nt*. wani«.l. *\ " 

M r* . . i , i of aric 
iNjoa «#ut tr*n 

Ajffil" WUiri. rsaps — 

* COMPANY. irlftO Lth A, Chicaco. IU. 

Converted Wagon. 

From ihe standpoint of conveni- 
ence, tb« farm wagon that bun be. n 
made over into a low down veblrle 
with wide steel tires bus a strong ap 
peal It Is easily loaded, aud over- 
tobn s all Ihe objeclou. to high *ag- 
ous oftho old typ«. 

, Eaters. 

All cowt that are hearty eaters are 
no: proBisbie producers, but all probt- 
able pixel., era are usually het.i".» 
oavte: • 


A Young Massachusetts Swede In Csr> 
ada Twenty Years Ago Wants 
to Return. 

Twenty years ago. a blond haired 
young Swede a boy of about 10 yvara 
of age accompanied a party of bis 
fellow country men on the then long 
trip to Western Canada as ar. Inter- 
preter. The party be accompanied lo 
rated at W'etas klwln, Mberta. now one 
of the most thriving anil best settled 
district s in Western t'anadn. Per 
three years he remained In the dis- 
trict. Homesickness look him buck 
to his borne at Kltcbbnrg. Mass . and 
he has nm.ilned there for 17 yean 
He has heard frequently from bis 
friends In tbe West. He has followed 
their movements and watched their 
progress lie has heard how the town 
he helped to establish has risen fTQffJ 
a rliaek to a growing thriving, brisk 
business ient,r. with the surrounding 
country peopled now by lhonsi,i:i1s 
who arc occupying Ibe territory In 
whli!. h, was ore of the first to help 
plant'tne colony of twenty or twenty 
five In his letter to an official of the 
Department of the Interior hi- says* 

"When I was up In Canada. Calgary 
was a small town ami so was Kdmon- 
ton, but I understand they huve grown 
wonderfully statu ." 

The young man when he went last 
learned a machine trade he has pat- 
ents and Invention! but he wants lo 
go <<> Canuda again And he likely 
will but when ho dors he will find a 
greater i luinge than he may expert. 
Calgarx and Kdmonfnn are large 
cities, i bowing marvelous and wonder- 
fir) growth Where but one Hat of 
railway made a somewhat tortuous 
and Indefinite way across the plains 
to Its mountain pass, there an- three 
lines or railway dividing the trade of 
hundreds of thousands of rnrnu rs, 
carrying Irelght to Ihe hundreds 
or towns and cities crossing and 
crisscrossing tbe prairies In all 
directions, reaching out Into new 
MMilomt nls. and preceding districts to 
be newly opened tor Incoming ttttl ru 
Ho will not be abb 1 to secure a boas! 
Head unless at a eonslileral b dlttaac* 
trom the town, the lime dollar an 
acre land Is si lling nt from |1S lo tli.1 
an acre He will find now what was 
but a theory then, that this land 'hat 
was then $3 an acre Is worth the j:iu 
or %K that may be asked for II. and a 
good deal more ftnl be will find fhnt 
ho can secure a homestead juiit as 
good as any thai wore taken In his 
day. and today worth jr. an acre, but 
at some distance from a line of rail- 
way, yet with n certainty of railway 
In the m ar future, und he »:il tad. too 
that he can still get land at $1'. to IK 
on acre that will In a year or two be 
worth $nn or $.15 an acre. Mr Moae- 
mn Is talking In his countrymen about 
Canada Advertisement. 

Costs Less Than a Two- Cent 

An average of less than a cent and 
• third a pair Is paid for the use of all 
onr machines In making Iwothlrds of 
tbe shoe's produced In the United 
Htstee sssiimtng that all our ma- 
chines are used. The most that cau 
be paid for the use of all our ma- 
rhloes In making the highest p.-: ii 
shoes Is less Ihan IfJ cents a pair 
The average royaltv on all kinds of 
shoes Is less than 2 2 3 cents n pair. 
r>om this we get our sole return for 
the manufacture and use of Ihe ma 
chines, for setting them up In facto- 
ries and keeping them In order You 
pay two cents for a postage stamp er 
a yeast miii' and five cents for a ca- 
fare and don'f miss It. Where do you 
get more for your money than lu buy- 
ing a machine made shoe? 

Write us and we will tell you all 
about It The I'nlted Shoe Machinery 
Company. Hoalun. Maaa. — Adv. 

Meat Bearing Tree. 

lu Mexico grows a Iree called tbe 
Avocado whose peur shaped fruit Is 
reputed to b.- eotnpoHiil of tho sub 
stances wh'i t, an- to he tound In no a* 
It contains about 2)1 per cent, of 
fa aud many other ingredients of 
great food value, and one good sltcd 
meat" pear Is quite sufficient to imike 
a meal for the average man. 

The reason why the fruit Is so little 
known nl present Is because it Is 
grown nowhere on a large teale; what 

few treis there are tow louild the 

huts of the uatlvea, where they Hoar 
lab with little care and afford easy 

meals for Ik*. Indolent owners. 

t'ulllvulod on oxNnslve lines It 
might have an Important bulling on 
that serious subject, the high rani of 



Koch of the rlif ii- 
ma. ic pAin that 
Cornell in tlamp. 
rhanftmi: wrnili^r is 
thr WM k ot OfU 
aciil crvtaN 

Needlri rooliln't 
cut, fnar or hurt any 
worse wli' ii Ihn af- 
ferttM muscle Joist 
la u*r«J 

If KuihaMa kaara 
murftrt. v tlh hrMil- 
acbff. backache-, d 1 1- 
xiiipaa and disturb- 
ance** ot ih- mine, 
it'a time to Ma On 
\? rtUrnrA knitie>« 
l>o-n« Kidoejr 
PfJk sm.klf belp 
tick kidoeva. 

A Michigan Cam 
it.- •■..«- - . « ... nil- at . tar *"tr, 

fai 'Mr t>»<'. gut aw imd I m .ml 
•r. i rifii i- ■ aj dint I bad u» ml% 

■ i a-i-l .-* l» Iinl ll.'1'.l lu III 

aud I an 
MM fli 
■ a 

i urowlna tMii autl a*a 


tn '.at*! Hi ii>' M'lut. ib 
s-Urtoi. I aara aaa u 

lUi vi- nine 

t Ii.-., . .1 A mj .Itara, HOc a Ram 

DOAN'S nffl* 


■M* ,, traoi MlwKMii,at.Mr.orF 

Willow Switches Given Away 
Tin- small boy w hoso fat lit I has 

time to apply the switch shim! 1 he 

wure with a little more lata bis usual 
caution. The United Stales govern 
ment is filing away willow , win lies 

1'h) 1 d) partment of agriculture has 
an experiment farm al Arlington Va . 
and i-onic avtf of it wen- toaai to be 
loo wet for raising ordinary eropn. 
Therefore the exports nt willows out 
Hi Ibe wet plan s, and there has hi en 
so smart a growth that tag govern- 
ment want' lo g)t ild of the willow 
switches It offers lo give Ibem away 
under the pulse of willow cuttings to 
make baskets or bottom chairs, but 
no siuurl boi will ever bo deceived by 
that kind tl talk. He may he safe 
only in tin assurance of tho govern- 
ment that only ono hundred of Ihe 
cuttings will he given hi one person. 

Worcester T) b gram 

Under Pressure. 

The two lrltnds wore ci'-hanglne 

"Whatever Induced you lo accept 
Toady Johnson. Mabel?' - a..ked Anne 

"Oh why well," said Mabel, "you 
see, Toady put his his arm around 
my waist, and. to tell Ihe truth. I 
yielded under pressure"- Harper's 

Remove. Banal Knlaxgenicnta, 
Thickened, Swollet. Tissue*. 
Curbs, Pilled Tendons. Sore- 
ness from rny Bruise or Strain. 

Mop: Sj. i<- m l-aiueiitit. Allay, paio. 
Doe. not lllutrr, remove the hsal OS 
lay up the honr. JJ.t'ti 4 isuils, 
dclivsred Book 1 K tree. 

AHStlKHINb, JK., the ntsNMh l.lll- 
nil-nll") BBSBklad, Jo) ttf novilu. Si. ulna, 
I.oo'v ,,r Klicumstii-ile.Hisits.Swolleai. 
rainlul Varlcoa.- \ clna. Will tell you 
■M il you wrilr |l and tl per hottM t| 

.''..irr- or s s d . kfssnstactursd oalv hp 

m.t H'l.w.f D I .«» tMntstl .Sprlnsl.'ai.alas* 


Importont to flothersi 

Riamlna carefully evi.ry in. tile of 
CAS 1 1 'IMA. a sii f e unit sure <■• nn d> for 
infante aud children, and see that It 

Hears the 
Signature of 

In I'se l or Over 30 Yearn. 
Children Cry lor IbaaMrii Cnalcria 

WliMi ii wi 

Irlai to lose 

he Is quick t) 

man runs after a mail 
In r, but win n she Bm 
pursui . 

ron-lipalten iwuses 
Serious illM-SM-k. It Is 

lu Itse as riassaal i 

fsuilll ll'iiOlie. Adv. 

Nolhlng pliases come peopl. but 
(hey get a klml or satisfaction out of 
knot king 

Mis. Austin'* ft.ig PM,irnk»., sure Ui 

yea, aA grssan, Adv. 

ih.- more Ml IgstS J I a has 
the less III. V count. 

>» . n"„i„r..r.,.>ll«.l,sn, i.s.v.J l>rl,.| ri |f.rn,.inlkansat> 

Box irsp. 

I , lib. I>aci.. Olio piece. !! feel by 
iOVjx^i Inch. In tho plciuiu T, trig- 
ger about lb Inches long; II, brace) 
which Ota lu much at X; P, 
wooden pin us.-d as hiiik'' at X. After 
box Is constructed from man rial given 
above, bore a hole In the tack u little 
larger than the trlgRir: take a slout 
i oru. fasten It at H, dlaw through 
notch at H, nud tifi to renter of 
brace, bllck an apple on trigger, aa 
i .'.own In cut, and the trap is r< udj for 
ibe rabbit. 

Save the Early Layers. 

liens thai lay bur lew i ggs are a'ie i 
rual weeds. If we hrii d from tin in ; 
tasty are i.iore than likely to ibid | 
Uuughters that will hi.* weeds also. 

farmer* at.d amall poultry uieu who 
• afford to use nap ksssh ■ an 
p" k out Ihe palii Is lu rii.-jilember and 
Oe'ober that are about eoini. • ••< . : 
to lay. and save a pen of Ihem DM 
next aeaaon a bre< rp i s. 

Tbe pullets that commeni " 1 i ;• 
tally usuully ccntinue to lay well. 

In fhm way most of Ho i • • ds <c:i 
bo kepi out uf the breeding pm. 


Itin Day I on St. Chicago. Ill —"My i 
face was very red and Irritated and 
was coven d « Ith pimples. The plm 
pies lo.torod and came to a head 
Tbey Itched und bunu ii ar.-l whin 1 
arratrhed Hum biiniiie sore I tried 
sua is and Hey would nol stop Ihe 
Itching and burning of lb" i kin. This 
lasted for a month or more. At last I 
tried CallgMa Oi.i'iaciil und Soap 
Tbey took o it Ihe b .ruing und il' hlng 
of Ihe skin, soothinc II very much and 
raving tho irllef H in tbe others failed 
to give me. I used the Cutleura Knap 
aud Ointment about three weeks and 
w'as completely gatai,' 1 (Signed) Miss 
Clara Mueller. Mar. 1(1. I»12 

< ullcura Soap aud Otnlmeii sold 
throughout tho world Sample or each 
free, with 3?p Hkln Hook. 
pc*i-card "CuUcura. Uept U 

Wanted sn All Day Whittler. 1 

gOSSX sedy udii rtlsed for a man »hii 
BM whistle all day for good pay j 
perhaps th" grou'hy man in the suite 
serosa the hall doesn't Ilk- i.hlKllng. 
Hy Ihe way. what are the union rates ' 
[or whistling! — Qbvtriaal Hail Heal- ; 

si i rssteslevi Vsess, N esss ss, i 

Halter-Breaking Colt. 

aw b t a colt grow lo any cosv 
sldermble age and slxe without halter- 
bnak:ng him Hundreds of valuabU 
young horses are much Ir.Jured In dis 
position by lett. ig blm ruu until 
tbey are two and three years of ago, 
and taeu for tbe Brit tlmu rornerod 
In a stall by several farm hands, 
which may be a frolic to t hi latter, 
be: aJMl iiatrary to lb* foimtr. 

. ' ,i ... I ben- sr.. lots ol l".: tali 

In tbe sea. Kverybody has ieen one | 
or two slide off tl 

tlj M'v Austin's Bag Tunesk- > ire to i 
elsoe fee, aU gi' -wrs. Adv. 

Many a man oaa!nl .:. 
anil paid alimony at leisure. 


■ OO »^.riO »4-00 
;8Q AND »B OQ 



| lit ih* WQHL 

TSa lar|e»t makaf | ol 

Man'a $3.50 and $4.00 
khoaa in I ha world. 

Atk »«or d*-„| f , li. ihoa yai» ^ / 

>v. f. i),.u.ihi l »i'«»,a*,w»iii.d\rti* 

kl .iMIi..^ n.hli' 

til a.i'l w*ar aixiht-r i.tako* coating Wi 

k til** . 1 1 ! i »- 1 1 r . > . i. ih. prlt**. r * 
laatbera, -I»Up i.imI almf,** •■ |o aeult 
II M , muI-I rlatl W I . UonjBi 
t :. Ml It,... MeM, 
■inw rarafully W. 
uuulil ii... ttptit r 

I I I. Hn k l>*-M*-r. Is - el. I th*lr alt i 

luiigff 11.. HBsfl BttaW (•■-•I- v for in. |i 

1*K» I 


r> t 

H i imiui.4k 


\\ ttlaetW |*.# •vle-l.tBa,^ »>> 

TH1 f«CW MCriCH NCMftDy. - -I K 7 Ka 


r— 7— 1 I Ol.l.Y KII>I\I:Y I'll.LH 
fZ.r% For Beclticec, Rarumalism, Kidnty. and Bliddrr 
C I ,„., isn »e« ,m cusstws auAuivisa 

IIFRa ISF cosrraisi ~o habit ■ -„■.. 

auns. »u aavs iou uoan tl i l> « si 

-is i ii* uoai vt baaj 

a*aaa. BIai n •■•»->*, 

tW MAIL at i if 1 1 TO 
■ wr t'tea at I no* 

• •M>k To U*. I • ( I.IW 

li;v" 1 


flU ihat i>*i>> usi>in womo TMlKari'ir tana 

aaii uiv . i ». am# *«o to *ix .*k*.ti.«i rich ■!*. 
W N. U, CINCINNATI. NO. 16-191S. 



: Dr. Claxlon Says They Change 
Districts Too Often. 


Problem Muit Bo Solv.d if R»l Strong 
Werl. It to Bo Dono In Country Die- 
I Hurtinfl ChildrorTiCheneoo. 

tricte— le 
Juot o Qi 

in u rmnm addntji ut UaitvWa, ■;>.. 

I»r. T. P. llaxti.n. NMWM »t «•> 
ucatlon for II... tnlfdl SMI-n, »tnte.l 
Hi.. r Hi.' rural MMhm t— I I UH l Hip 
BTralesf Ixuly .if IfMBfl Uhiiwi. Orel 1 
M) per " ut uf Hicrn moir I HV (IN- 
trU-t eurti your. 

Duii'i lata- In I'ImMM'I OWi f" r " 
Thluk uf u II Hip rural iIIhUI'U yuu 
know iiimI see haw vIoM Ills iiswrllini i 
MM Itttatj ymii' mvn Ml ynur 

MlMfi oMaatJ* H* kM 

<1Uo«i|<im Hm muln IMM fur no 
pacl poof iMcblag in iih- . i.iiiitry <lii 
trlcts Is Hint tba twM iI>m-s m l lttj 
loint .mm. uuli in tiny niii' locality to 
know oil hi' r tin- Hilldrcn or their par 
MB. If it i« la dlfflctiK as il U fur 

Tim- Mountaineer until after 
I August Primary for 25 cents. 
| Tell your neighbor about 

P.lai.k. Oil Mi Cas lease* 
any quanitios. 2 cents each at 
the Mountaineer office. 

Every farmer who has not al- 
ready taken advantage of our 
,rreat combination, with the 
Farm Journal should do so at 

. ONCB. 

Mr?. Lee Arnett is v.»ry low 
but thought to be improving. 

('apt. Jeff Prater and wife are 
visiting Jeff Cooper's family at 
Mt. Sterling. 

Dc Witt Stafford. Robert Pat- 
rick and Prof. Combs of Paints- 
ville were here Sat. and Sun. 

C. B. Goehotn of Charleston, 

The popular Idea that rhette la not 
canity dlaeatlbie la a delusion. Wa 
y, thori-fora, paia the cheofe with- 

it mt! 

11 ont iinnalng It up. 


It. 0. Crace of Ivyton was 
tried Saturday for lihelous slan- 
der aga'tist Squire Wallis Cole, 
through the Mountaineer. One 
of UN jury votc-l to fine Crace 
$1 The remainder were for ac- 


Since receiving and publishing 
the above. 

We were informed by one of 
the Jurors that four of the jury 
voted to fine Mr. Crace one cent. 

The Grand Jury, ol which W. 
\V. Preston, WM foreman <xum- 
ined 158 witnesses and returned 

50 indictments durimr their nine 
Va. is here to locate a well (Jay3 „, l;iH j, )n . The following are 

the Burninfforko 

"P ittsburgh Perfect" Fence 

IM rot<.c« ....... -r.»««i./ cr i.-o. if Yfira 

it the Cheapitt you can buy. Head why 

No. 9 wire is stronger and takes mor.; 
-alvanmnf? in proportion to jtj rt-e then 
smaller wire. Fences mad. entirely of 
Mo. 0 Wtn la~.t manv yeirs longer in 
proportion than'liKh'v'r'.v"i-;ht 
no more to string, cause lcsa trouble, are 
■tter at all times. Those are technical 
'Pittsburgh Pcrf-ct" "Jumbo" 

PafKCS, mado MtiNly <.f No. 9 wir«« in 
ma-.y styl 93 and uizvt, ar-: the stronso&t 
mad. because at the Eloctr«.ally WelJ id 
i '?ecauio of t 

joints, most durable blCoM H of the Ugh 
qua'iiy Ooen Hearth Wire and MN HM 
galvanizing and the most fconomical 

and satisfactory fences in the v. or I 
Specify "Jumbo" and save money. 

BM*gSf*?Mfflg Every Rod Guarantee d 

Ask your do.ler fat •Pltt.burgh .nd IMM on hi, fumfehirjr It. Do not ollow hi.nto MM* 

ill u good. If he doeou't ocJ H, vrrita a. dirott. 

II r«> oro mi.r. .i... In WV- Frnt in. writo 
lor fREt copr o< .a. ALMANAC, tail- 

Pittsburgh Steel Co. 

"PIU.fc.irch Perfect" B.anJ.ol Borbrit Wir»; 
n,.«H. AnBr oU * C-I»«»i»«d Wlr.: 1 Ulojll 
CoM. Wlr. i Hord Spnni Coil Win.: I ••>><• 

Hrorlh molar. *L 

Horn to Mr. and Mrs. 
Pnttr on the 2nd Inst, a 
!)i nnis Russell. 

Whether y.:u ar(3 a candiihitc, 
a business man or a farmer, 
"It Pays To Advertise." 

ville mercl 

,v<ni |a RMinaga vuur cMM nfl.-r IiiivIiik 

jt M itii you arafy tay iik ^vb(ll<l 
Mt, Mr raa the ararafi hM do 
ttaa aMNaMa >vnrii wfeaa kIu- abaa 
luti-iy doaa imi kaaaj your chUdrea! 

Slic luernly litis gat 11 imililltlL' a' quaint- 

■Mt with taal; nin- cai aaH MM DJ 

XMl In every umti « pMMi as woll 

uk the Mahat*i paoMaai n must in- 

Molri'il if wh am |i> t... v.- rcnl strutm 

rrark doaa, wimt win you do with ltv 
it is whut is MtJai rm rblM'i ifeaaet 
for an adaeatlaa that h arortt «rhiia> 
tJKT Bt'SY. 

Juot o Quootion or Two. 

II Yuuu KUOOLBOtira A s CP 
to DAT! A!< vol it NKW DAIRY 


IS Tilt: INTKRIOH Or Yotilt 


TOT7B t oi.Ts v 

is THI aOBOOL as wi:i.i, paint- 
ed as rooa cnroRcm 


among the indictments, 
j f I 11 liquor caseti, .'} for shooting 

•,,;, y ^atanoiher C road ^^J r 7 only way for the land owner- to 
cfng their roads. 8 Salyers- ^ £ ^ ^ %q ^ ^ gome 

. K B reputablo company for develope- 
rette tnatenul to miners one J ^ ^ wjth . 

for falso pretense one tarhc* ^ ^ The 

stealing and one lor detention. ; . . 

Court will adjourn today (Thurs- one point is try and lease to the 

Charm Hammond and family. I day.) company who has ahown they 

a railway tlerh of Aahland. j Messrs I). M. Atkinson of , are in *fj ^Jfl £ 
are visit log hi . father and rola- ! Sa , yergvllK , j. r. Cisco, of Log- m ™» 0 f 'f Zle thi 

Mt it m - riz ™- « s 

Messrs. Sam l arpanter. M. P. were appointed at the recent; ^ ^ ^ nrioM „f 

Patrick and Wiley Rice were term of _ circuit co'jrt as jury hut on |he other ham , 

elected trustees of the local |commisfioners and will be ra- M w|Mn jt js 

sponsible for the selection of our, V 

juries forthenext twelvemonths. ■ P ™ ^ BDecu , ator who de!ay , 

development and does harm to 
SOME "FLY" INFORMATION. the !and owner a9 we ll as the 

Whero la the fly born? In ma- 
nure and filth. 

Where does the fly live? In all 
kinds of filth and he carries filth 
on his feet and wings. 

Where does the fly go when he 
or she leaves the manure pile or 
He goes into the kitch- 
dinning rcom and the 

if there is oil in this county the W. F. KLAIR. President JOHN GUHD, Vice Presidetn 



UEON B. SMITH, MnnaRer CHAS. M. PARRISH. Ch»-»' Clerk. 


Corner Short ano btMBflRW MMK UUUMTOM, Kt. 

CEO. MRPtltTtlt. I 
A. T. PATRICK, Vtcfl-Prssidaat- 

t. L STIPHEMS. aoatioi 

graded school last Saturday. 

Jesse Barker and Miss Lynd i 
Carty were united in the holy 
bonds of matrimony Wednesday 
night, Mr. Wayne Cooper offieci- 

Mountains or extends congratu- 

I will sell or exchange for corn 
a one horse live plow cultivator, 
price three dollars. 

S. S. Elam. 


Salyersville, Kentucky. 

CAPITAL. - - • 2B,Wa«n 
SURPLUS. - - 9,000.00 


spittoon 1 

is tbk aoHOOLTARO as Bto as primary. 

en, the 
; store. 

Quito a number have taken t Wnal ,i oos )u! (io there? 
advantage of the Mountaineer He w;l , ks ()n tho bread, fruit and 
aiid subscribed until after the vel r c t a bles; he wipes his feet on 

Lame back is usually cau-ed by 
rheumatism of the muscles of the _ 
back, for which you will find 
nothing better than Chaaab r- 
lain's Liniment. For sale bv 
Dr. M. C. Kash. 






*»"° State Normal A Training School for Teachers. 

■BCISB vol U col.TSV 
is THE BTOVB in Till: BCHOOt 

as modbbb as yoi'k mrara 


Aim Mk In ynitr fnrm aroife, Shoot 
at the M If yuu with. Of cotir»<? 
yi.ii will lmt hit Hie niiKin, l.ut the 
akaBM are thut jrvn will seutter a lot 
of hird aliot MaawMa nloni; the bk.v 
line Colonel Henry KmiII. Tviaa In 

ioatrial OonaTaaa 

Messrs Nelson Howard and 
Abbott Adams had their buggy 
upset while returning from 
Ricevillo Tuesday. Both receiv- 
ed serious flights, nothing seri- 
ous however, as neither is affect- 
ed with heart Lronblt(f) 

A large crowd assembled at the 
river Saturday afternoon to wit- 
ness tho baptising of Mrs. Claud 
Patrick. Her parents. Mr. and 
Mrs. Sam Stapleton. of Paints- 
ville, were present and spent 
Saturday and Sunday with her 
Rev. j. J. Prater, who baptised 

Dr. William?, of Paintsvillo is 

The last draw icr our teachers her, preached to ■ large congre- 
is now in the hands of the county , gation at the State Road school 
auparintendent hl,usc Sumlav aft*™ 00 "- 

Tone Gardner sold fifty nine 
228 pound bog.i at eight cents, to 
day (Thursday.) 

Now is the time to get rid of 
your rheumatism. You can do it 
bv applying Chamberlain, s Lini- 
ment and massaging the pints 

the butter and he bathes in the 

Does the fly visit patients sick 
with consumption?, typhoid fev- 
er, and cholera infautum? He 
do"», and h'. 1 may call on you 
iic.u, carrying tha infection of 
these diseases. 

What <tis asesdoes he fly car- 
ry? Typhoid favor, consumption 
tiiarrheal diaoaaaa, diptheria, 
scarlet fever, and, in fact any 
communicable disease -Blue 
Grass Farmer. 

The following was written for 
the Mountaineer by a man who 
expects to do some developing in 
Magoffin this setis m. 


COURSES: Preparatory, State Certificate, Life Diploma. County 
Certificate, Review, Special. 


Expenses Very Low. Ask About it. Artistic Catsogue Free. 

Address J. (J. CRABBE, President, Richmond. Ky, 

X after your name, means that 


Wa have been compelled to throw 
DM splendid letters into tho waste 

basket recently becnuse the writer you get one more copy of this pa- 
failixl to put their real name as wtll a» per, XX means that you get nc 

until you give u a d r « n °* wetting 

their assumed 


Mrs. B. F. Patrick and fami 
spent a few days with her father 
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Willi- 
am Craft. 

Miss Fannye Rice spent Fri. 
and Sat. here. 

Basentn Prater and Ralph 
I Preston of Bradley were iiere 

Misses Elsie and Genie Thomp- 
son of Hendricks, have been 
visiting their Aunt Mrs. D. S. 

J. F. Power, of Hamilton, O. 




Attorney and Counselor at Law. 
Civil and Criminal Practice in 

freely at each 
sale by Dr. M. 

('. Kash. 

K. ft A. 
Kentucky's greatest education- 
al gathering has just closed at 
Louisville when a four day ses- 
sion was held of the K. E. A. 
The t wo State Normals with their 
1800 tetu-hers and student.-. (The 
students preparing to teach) 

No doubt most every one in j s visiting his parents Mr. and 
Magoffin Co. know there is quitely rs s. R. Power, 
a little movement in regard to| Frank Miller of Trixie apent 
oil developement and a number the week's end here. 

of men out taking leases. It is 
an evident fact this is necessary 
before there can be any operat- 
ing. The one point to bear in 
mind is who is the right party to 

] to, „ed out in masse. Thousands , ^ ^ ^ Mo8t evepy 
| of trustees, teachers and friends | ]easer ^ R yery plausible8tory 


25 cts. 

Pays for the 




50 Cents 




Every farmer should take one 
or m: re farm journals. Wo will 
be glad lo furnish you the Farm 
Journal five years and the 

Mountaineer one year 

I of education throughout the 
State attended to hear leading 
'educators from all parts of Amer- 
' iea. 

,', Magoffin was represented by 
! Misj Mm Hurt, of Ivvton and 
i Curtis Reed antl Willie Williams, 
who were attending the Eastern 
'State Normal. Every teacher 
1 and trustee of Magoffin should 


and his proposition looks good. 
Now the thing is to try to be 
reasonably sure he is not a specu- 
lator on leases. One way I would 
suggest is to ask yourself, "what 
visible aigns has this man of 
proving his earnestness? Has 
he made any preparation to devel- 
op? His he paid any rental, or 
has he or the parties he repre 

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Wheeler 
have been spending a few days 
with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. May. 

K. Q. J. 

begin NOW to plan to attend tUa 1^ gny fJ-r-i meang of flning r ick property 

U. C. Patrick sold hi 3 farm to 
Geo. A. Moore and has moved to 
his father's. 

Wesley Patrick Jr. died Sat. 
He leaves a wife, three child- 
ren and many relatives and 
friends to mourn his loss. 

J. Frank Moore and family 
who have been in W. Va. for 
some time has returned home 
and will move to the B. C. Pat- 


Practice Limited to 


Eyes Tested-Glasses Furnished. 
Phone 134, Catlettsburg, Ky. 







Salyersville, Ky. 

Diitlsh authoritiea declared 
that knockouts In t!i» prise Tint are 
literal. If this ruollycodi 
keeps on It will soon be a felony 
■lap one's neighbor on tt 


Spanking will not cure chil 
the bed, because 
it is no*. a habit, but a dnugerous 
disease. The C. H. Rowan Drag 
Co., Dept. 24(31 Chicago. IB,, 
have disco\ered a strictly haru« 
less remedy far tins uistrcosing 
disease and to make known its 
merits they will send a 0()« pack 
age securely wrapped and pre- 
paid Absolutely Frcotoany read- 
er of The Mountaineer. This rt- 
mcdy also cures frequent (l«sire 
to urinate and inability to control 
urine during the night or day in 
old or young. The C. H. Rowan 
Drug Co. is an Old Reliable 
House writ.' to them to-day for 
the free medicine. Cure tho affl- 
icted member of your family, 
then tell your neighbors and 
friends about this i 

great meeting which will be 
held at Louisville next spring. 
(Railroad fare at half rate.) 

When we attend such meetings 
we get new ideas and new in- 
spiration by seeing what great 
thing* are being done in other 
parts oi Kentucky and other 
States. We then begin with a 
new determation to do someth- 
ing worth while in our own 
county. A goodly number of the 

May 5th was Uncle Payne 
Patrick's Sr. birthday he had 
lived 33603 days. How many 
years old is he? 

counties of Kentucky are repre- „ ^ty, and do „. t favor 

his part of the contract? 

The speculator usually is a man 
who is not familar with leasing 
and will offer most any induce- 
ment and make many verbal a- 
grecments to do many things 
which are out of reason for oil 
companiera to fulfil T^e Compa- 
nies w ho are securing leases for of the great good that is being 
operating usually have but one done by Chamberlain'a Tablets, 
way to take a lease and every , Darius Downey, of New berg 
one receives the same contract Junction, N. B 


Lexington, Ky. 
Best of services. Rates same ae 
other Lexington hotels- Rooms 
$1. and up. Regular breakfast 
25 cts. and up. Regular dinner 
35 eta. and up. The Mountain 
people are requested to make it 
their Headquarters. 

J. S. CISCO, M. D. 

Calls Answered Bay or Night 

•tMh Um of Drop In Stock. 
Office Next Door to Salycr»»Ule Ba 

Salyersville, Ky. 

% It's a waste of time to 
worry along with incom- 
petent help when an 
Hopeful army of good material Qj. Q Qgnnelley 
awaits you among the 

(Advertisement) - l t J 

it would surprise you to know readers of the classified 

seined by their County superm- | 
tendents und teachers and why 
can not Magoffin "wake up?" 
Our school* would be greatly 
benefited thereby. 

any one individual and when 


<lThe want 
to the telephone— are 
the necessary lieutenants 

writes, "My 
wife has been using Chamber- 
lain's Tablets and finds them very- 
rentals come due they pay them I effectual and doing her lota of 
up as agreed to. good. " If you have any trouble c f the modem, DUSy DUSl- 

Itis perfectly right to base' with your stomach or bowels 

for! give them a trial, ffef laic TBan. 

Dr. M. C Ksah. , 

Calls answered day or night. 

on Elk Creek, 
t town. 



Practices in aH the Court:;. 

. m.v: mmsx, KY.